[open workflow is starting up...]

Still alive!?

Mar 24, 2008

theme for the new year

my idea with this open workflow concept was to show the "in" side as well as "out"... my moods and directions, thoughts, art of any kind that sucks me in or lifts me up, and in this case, tracks that come along and capture what I'm feeling in a moment better than anything I've learned to make myself...

oh. its really long by the way. hit up the first minute and a half if you're in a hurry, you'll get the idea.

Animal Collective
- "Fireworks"

this is me right now...
punchy, crazy, loud, hopeful, a little angry, a little desperate, a little euphoric, running in some circles, eating up some time... but going in the right directions, buzzing with some kind of energy, just sick enough of the past to maybe find the future.