[open workflow is starting up...]

Still alive!?

Feb 21, 2008

Quick Update

Gooooood Morning -

I've started to receive comment love from the peoples, thanks very much erryone...
I've also been granted a shout at the ever unstoppable Andropolis.org, so no doubt his massive fan base will be stampeding in here any second to find out what the fuss is about. Details on the fuss are forthcoming!

I've been working in event lighting again, putting up things like this and this. It's a job I fell into when I first moved to Chicago... friends from this period will remember what my schedule was like when I was doing this before, but lets run through it again for those of you just joining us:

• Scheduler guy calls and says "Can you work on (day x) at (venue y) at (time of day nearly) and come back for the takedown at (time of night nungodly)?" Let T = the time they say it will take.

• I say "Sure"

• I show up at y on x at nearly, and we work on setting up for the event until T+4 hours (+ or - a 2 hour luck factor).

• I come back to y at nungodly and take it all back down again till T + ∞.

• I get paid for my trouble.

So, hence the lack of actual content on this now more than a week old blog. It's actualy pretty cool - I'll take some pictures from jobsites when I can.

Coming up when I get the chance to breathe: the visual side of the project rundown, all my old art from the LJ posted as a flickr set and tossed in a nifty sidebox, and that beat tape just as soon as I figure out how to work an XPSF flash player. Or maybe I'll cop out and put it on imeem. Ether way. Technical people who know more than me are invited to comment with advice! Thanks!



lev said...

home sick with some sort of throat thing. what's up employment -- i was wondering how you were paying bills.

An Audio Player plugin for non-Wordpress blogs. It seems like you want something that plays a whole album, but I've seen this around a lot.

Carolyn said...

ryan was wondering if you frost equation can be transposed on the algebraic coordinate plane. if so, what shape would it make?
and i was wondering about this white people site...what's the deal? some of your best friends are white people! hell, you DAD's a white people!

Ekundayo said...

Hey, nothing wrong with white people! The site is just an anthropological guide to interacting with them/us!

Unknown said...

thanks for mathefying that for me. i wouldnta understood it otherwise.

(by the way, i think that "udderstood" should be a word. as in, "The cow udderstood everything."


lev said...

What if cows really have "udderstood" everything? What a terrible existence...

Ekundayo said...

see I can't help imagining udderstands as something rural frat boys who are really into whole milk do at parties.